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The #narcissist has their FLYINGMONKIES who spread toxic rumors. Those who believe those stories (lies), have subscribed to the slander if they choose to entertain silence & playing neutral.
Cosmik Oracle
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Cosmik Oracle 120d
Cosmik Oracle
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Cosmik Oracle 120d
Cosmik Oracle
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In extension to the caption, umm, and I'll say, of course I speak on narcissism, but there are those who aren't necessarily an actual narcissist, umm, full throttle, right? They don't have the personality disorder, but they have some narcissistic tendencies, a little bit more elaborate than the average person, because we all have a little bit of narcissism within us, right? right? And these individuals have their flying monkeys who spread toxic rumors. They get all clicky. Clickety-dickety-doo. And anybody who believes those stories, you know, those lies, have subscribed to the slander if they choose to entertain silence and play neutral. Yeah, they may pretend to be your friend by not choosing sides, but see, here's the kicker. they have clearly chosen. They do not deserve your friendship. So protect yourself by identifying the cowards who are too afraid to protect truth and goodness in your reputation. It's perhaps cold, heartless it may seem, and it's painful but being an empowered warrior was never ever advertised as being easy claim your empath power rise above banish the toxicity from your life do not allow for it to invade and penetrate rise above and release and let go
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please understand being neutral is fine as long as you're not keeping quiet because if you hear the other person as long as you're not subscribing that's the whole point but when you subscribe and you listen and you're taking sides, really instead of being neutral, you know it's contradicting but when you can speak up and say hey hey wait a minute no no no let's talk about this kind of thing
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so the approach is okay listen to the individual and then listen to the other individual and do not take sides but maybe be that person that helps that mediates. I've been there before. I've had to mediate actually not too long ago. Yeah, I didn't take sides. I mediated and got the two ladies back together but hmm go figure. Yeah. Anyways, carry on.
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