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Isn't that the truth, Cosmic? Isn't that the truth? Shout out to Coles the Apache, for real, for real. I am loving it. I can't wait for more of these bombs that he's dropping. I love Coles the Apache's work, bro, and I love what you're doing with the expressions. I'm loving what you're doing. I genuinely do love what you're doing. And you know this. Shout out to you, and keep bringing it.
Aye, what can I say? I learned from the best. I don't know if y'all ever heard of her. Her name is Isabella. She also go by Dr. Poetry. She taught me, you know what I mean? I learned from the best. You heard? But yeah y'all, your project is so fire. I'm telling everyone about it.
No coast. We are not going to do this. I shoved you. I gave you a New York city punch, like right on your shoulder. It's like, boom, tap in because you have it. I woke, I was like waking you up. Hey brother, you got it. Let's go. That's all I did. All right. So it was you and your willingness, right? You got to embrace what you have and you had it. So I'm glad you woke up cause you got it. Shout out to you.
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Oh, coast the Apache coast the ghost. So brilliant, so talented, absolutely. Mad props to you Coast the Ghost and mad props to you Isabella for posting this. Yeah yeah 100!
Yo, thank you. Oracle. That's very humbling that you like it. I appreciate the love. I love the work you do. You know, hopefully we could collab on something some time. I would love that. That would mean a lot.