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Oh yeah, that's definitely something that I've noticed as a common denominator around here. People be married mixed into single people's relationship dynamics and just doin' single people shit. Like, if you wanna just be single, just say that. Like, people be thirstin' over the dumbest shit and don't wanna be honest with themselves.
trying to sniff out ass should not be so common in married people on this app um, it shouldn't be, like, such a delight and then a tale of taking pride in pretending to be, you know, faithful or one you know, genuinely with somebody that's not cool so yeah, um that other thing with me
this little thing only get 30 seconds the thing with meeting up with people and being married is a no you know, single people, meeting up, whenever, whatever so what, and but like, yeah, people who are married need to calm the fuck down and I don't know, I don't understand all the hype and ooh, ahs you know, that married people do when it comes to single people shit So.