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to be honest with you, you don't have to have a lot in common with a partner to get along, I mean what matters is do they listen to you, do you listen to them, do you like each other, can you hold conversations, do you support each other, can you compromise, you really don't have to have anything in common I mean if you love them then you can find ways to be on the same page honestly, so opposites do attract that's a cliche saying for a reason
Right, so what I would say is, I would sit him down and I would say, right, we have nothing in common So what I would suggest you do is, you just try and make an effort into liking each other's things And see how that goes If that doesn't work, then I would try and get to know him a wee bit more To say that you've actually tried
and if you get to know him a wee bit more and if that still doesn't work but you still love him then you can either stay with him and just be like screw it, yup let's do this we don't have anything in common but we don't care or you can break up with him as you said
how many years have you been pursuing you said three months is it just three months are you sure it's just three months nothing in common don't want to have a relationship i mean ***** you could stay you could stay and hold on and he'll grow and his hormones will change and he'll want something you can just keep staying keep sitting in there and staying
Go on, like, an adventure. I don't know, go on, like, a trip or something. If he doesn't like to, like, like, just go on, like, a trip where you're, like, in a situation where it's, like, you have to rely on each other. And if he's still, like, you still connect, then I would say you're probably not. No offense, you're probably not meant to be, but.