Granarizing, the dedication to being self-centered and centered self, laws of attraction, understanding and knowing the laws of attraction I've understood them since I was a child so I don't share an insecurity level there But what myself and plenty of others have possibly had to do was fight past distracted people who project their lack of knowledge and awareness when it comes to laws of attraction. It's a lot of times within my own community where we assume a lot about others' ability to comprehend. We think we are all on the same level and on the same page, so we treat each other like we're all on the same level and the same page. age. But when we treat each other as that, we treat each other like we're ignorant and like we're dumb. So why do we think that about ourselves? And why do we think that about each other? Why don't we see each other or ourselves at a higher intellect and able to hold information properly and use it wisely? I myself started off as a youth with wisdom and knowledge and understanding and willingness to set out to do and put forth what I'm supposed to do. In my life, I have forgiven those who I've attracted in the wrong way due to their lackings. And so I hope that just like I didn't get distracted by distracted people, that you can also today and further on no longer be distracted. Peace and love.