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Sunryz 226d
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So I just wanted to say, I mean, remember, I was listening to this girl talk, and she was like, some people on the internet, and, you know, the younger new generation show their body, and it's weird, and I'm going to say it like this, I completely agree with her It's like, you can't even say it's just girls, because it's guys too now i'm i'm happily not one of them that like to show their bodies i if anything if i want to date a girl i'm going to find the one that matches my lifestyle like i love video games i do art you know but if you just wanted to text me just because you're a bot you've got a cash app because if you want to sell your body on the internet i'm not for all that like it's like no thank you to me i'm not the one that's like weird and want to see what you look like because i don't care as long as you got the respect and the loyalty i couldn't care what you look like
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yeah i totally agree with you on this one like like really just on the t like they be it's just ridiculous
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