The Gospel isn't about works, righteousness, it's about having faith in Christ and what He has already done. The focus isn't on man's works but on God's grace. Check out the link below and beware of what you hear.
Therefore, the works happens to be a byproduct of the very faith that God has given us through his grace. Do you get it? No. But you're going to keep touting this thinking you see something in Ephesians 2, 8-10 and it's demonstrated right there. The works is a byproduct of the grace he's given us to have this faith and if we remain in him, in this faith, we will do good works. It can't be more elementary than that.
Everything is for His grace and His glory. Okay? Even before Ephesians 2, 8 we have in verse 6, And He raised us up with Him and raised seated Him up in the heavenly places of Christ Jesus so that in the ages to come He might show us as a passing riches of His grace and kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. Remember, you keep thinking about the works and the works that He already set for us to do. We don't know what these works are but He already laid them out for us so that's not where the focus is.
We absolutely know what these works are, however, some are pretending as if they don't know, as if Jesus Christ's ministry was just, believe in me, believe in me, profess belief and that's all you need to do, repent, but actually don't turn from how you're living before, but still repent. The kingdom of God is coming, but don't submit to its ordinances, it's not important. Like, I don't understand, like, bro, you're just going out of your way to not be obedient to Christ.
Aleph, Aleph, don't be stuck on simple. These works, we don't know what God is going to have us do. Okay? We go by conviction and he tells us this is not just the 10 commandments, Aleph. Understand, okay, that it is not for the works. You're concentrating on the works. You're obsessed with the works in order to make yourself feel like you're holy. No, you are holy. You are blameless if you are in him. And if you're in him, you will perform good works. And if you perform good works, you're blameless.
Aleph, how long have you been gaslighting? Were you born gaslighting or just when you met Person or These works are not just the Ten Commandments. What are these works that you're talking about? Are someone expecting you to do something? What's imposing on you? Just live for joy in Christ and you will perform the works because you love God, because you know Him, because you abide in Him. That is the gospel. You need to learn the gospel faith by grace alone, faith alone in Him alone
Alright, so we don't go by conviction, number one, we go by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit brings to remembrance all things that Christ has commanded us, right? And to put an emphasis on that isn't to say that I'm obsessed with works, right? It just means that I take disciples really serious. And you're blaming us, right, if you're in him. But what is abiding in him is keeping his commandments. If you love me, keep my commandments. The works of God have been outlined by Christ.
Okay, I'm not responding to all of these accusations and personal attacks but if you want to do that, I'll go somewhere else. What I'm here to talk about and I'm only here to talk about is the truth of the Gospel. And faith alone was not intended to mean faith aside from obedience. The one that is obedient has faith and the one who has faith is obedient. Understand? That's the Gospel.
he absolutely knows what the works are and you see this is where I get to the point where I just say that bx needs to be mocked and avoided because he's deliberately being dishonest and he's choosing to reject Christ and to not do what he's commanded at this point he just needs to be left alone and not entertained, he enjoys the attention
You see, these legalists and these sinless perfectionists are gaslighters because they cannot tell me what sin am I committing. Okay, they say, oh, you choose not to live, not to follow Christ. Prove it. What are you talking about? You're talking virtual sins. You're liars and false accusers, violating the ninth commandment. Repent. Okay, the more you do this, the more you demonstrate Christ is not in you. Okay, believe in Christ and live. live.
so as I've said many many times Ephesians 2 8 through 10 does nothing for your theology it basically says, for by grace you have been saved through faith this is by faith not by works okay? and which is contrary to what you believe and this is not of yourselves it's not the man's power it's God's power it is the gift of God not of works not of works not of works that no one may boast for we are his workmanship he's created us everything that's happening to us is on him
And verse 9 and 10, not of work, so that no one may boast. Okay, verse 10, for we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them. So God created these good works. These are not coming from us. These are the devising of man. This is something God has already placed. So we can have faith in this. We have to take the whole Bible into context, not just verse by verse, okay, like the amateurs do. Okay, so it is...
Ephesians 2, 8-10 should be helping you understand that it's all God's power, all His works It should be awakening you, faith, the gospel, by faith Through His grace and Him alone, even the work is determined So therefore, it is by faith that we are able to do these things It's in the bag, your gospel of works should be found nowhere
So that we who were the first to hope in Christ may be the praise of his glory in him, who also you all heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation. It was for his glory and his glory alone. That is why all things, if we do works, it's for his glory. If we do works, it's because he provided them for us to do them, all for his purposes, the outlook isn't on our ricks but in his purposes, his glory.
Notice how you said, if we do works, so works aren't optional, because faith without works is dead, and then you said, if we do works, it's because he provided for us to do them, 100%, and that's what we're speaking about, and the works that he's provided is all the works that he's commanded, right, bear fruit or burn
So the gospel is that by, we're saved by grace, His grace, His doing. His doing to give us this faith, His doing to give us these works for us to already do. We do not lead with the front foot of works to depend on ourselves despite all you want to say to believe that you're being holy. No, you're holy if you truly believe and if you truly believe you will perform the deeds of the Spirit.
Ephesians 1, in him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace, which he lavished upon us in all wisdom and insight, making known to us the mystery of his will, according to the purpose which he sent forth in Christ, as a plan for the fullness of time, until we unite all things in him, through things in heaven and things on earth.