SmokeBreak UK Gov launched new website promoting emergency readyness. Do we think something is on the horizon or is this just a standard PSA? #conspiraciesonatereo #new #popular #conspiracyПодписаться00ПоделитьсяКопировать ссылку на пост
SmokeBreak As was forcasted france sending troops to train ukraine military. What happens when french trainers (nato member) get killed? WW3 is a little to close. #news #popular # conspiracy #conspiracyonstereo
SmokeBreak WW3 odds improve. Nato instructors to Ukraine. The US backing isreal. Now this with China and Taiwan. A true 3 front world war is a real possibility. #consipacyonstereo #news #popular #conspiracy
SmokeBreak EPA issues national warning-More evidince for the chaos we can face in 2024. EPA urges more protection for drinking water from cyber attack. #conspiraciesonstereo #conspiracy #news #popuular
SmokeBreak CNBC NEWS: “Klaus schwab has stepped down from the world economic forum.” Its a win, but the new boss will be the same as the old boss. They wont stop. #resist#conspiracy#news#popular
SmokeBreak They want you split into tribes. White, black, left ,right. The time for tribalism is over we are ALL looking at the stage being set on multiple fronts for global meltdown. #conspiracy #news #popular.
SmokeBreak During the great deppression 40% of people were rural and 65% had some self sustaining skills yet thousands starved-Now its below 9%. What happens when the supply lines are gone? #conspiracy#news
SmokeBreak Economists are saying late quarter 3 to quarter 4 (nov-jan) is when they expect economic turmoil. You still have time to get ready but the clock is winding down. #news #popular # conspiracy
SmokeBreak New york times - Nato will be sending trainers into Ukraine. BIG step towards a much larger conflict. #news #popular #conspiraciesonstereo #conspiracy
SmokeBreak If you are reading this transmission you are the resistance. #preppers #conspiraciesonstereo #news #conspiracy
SmokeBreak WW3, pandemic 2.0, rolling blackouts. Whats coming next? #conspiraciesonstereo #conspiracy
SmokeBreak Are Americans being subliminally prepared for major civil unrest? Major movies and shows reaching millions depict civil war, EMP attacks, and nuclear war. #conspiraciesonstereo #conspiracy #popular
SmokeBreak How ready are you for a disaster? How long can you keep your family fed if there is no access to stores? #conspiraciesonstereo #conspiracy #news #popular