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Big Tam Tam • 292d
Big Tam Tam
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Real Spill And Perspectives
Twixxyyyyyy • 292d
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Real Spill And Perspectives
MissCheezcake • 292d
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Real Spill And Perspectives
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Real Spill And Perspectives
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Real Spill And Perspectives
T̤̮Ʀi͙pྂ-ṂҒ-ᖱƠ ṦǟY͙
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Real Spill And Perspectives
T̤̮Ʀi͙pྂ-ṂҒ-ᖱƠ ṦǟY͙
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King Tanna • 290d
King Tanna
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Real Spill And Perspectives
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Okay y'all, so guys, would y'all rock this outfit? Ladies, would y'all think about it? Me personally, I'm not feeling the hat. I don't, I guess that's the new men bag. But I do like the sweater, but I'm confused with the MC Hammer pants. So I don't know, just drop it. Rate the fit, rate the fit.
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Tink you play too much, you play too much. You say rate the fit baby I hate that hat and pants but i love this sweater and I love these shoes um...I don't have a hearsay about the man bag The man bag can go kinda if it works but these pants and that hat I would give this an outfit of three i guess um...the pants see it's the pants
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Girl, the motherfuckin' pants remind me of MC Hammer back in the day, and, like, you like me, like, I like the sweater. Like, he could just give up that sweater. And, I mean, they're being very cool. I kinda feel like I should have that. I like it. It's yellow. But I don't know who you think he is. It is the pants. The pants and the hat mixes it up. But, you know, you can just pass that sweater along.
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What the hell are we doing here? What is this a swacket, a sweater jacket. Is it a bladder or is it a swazier A sweater blazer I don't get but imma need him to sit down somewhere okay
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Why I fucking love it though, you said is it a swazer? Is in his sweater blazer. You know what he may not ever see this comment because I don't know I was look he had me lost with the MC hammer bands and that motherfucking beanie looking ass hat tha-that's That leather shit That New Jack City looking shit
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Um, all I got to say is what the hell is going on with this man's fit? First of all the sweater looked like my grandma was old rug in the hallway. Now wouldn't wear it he look a buncha Looked like a bunch of confusion and confuzzlement big baggage Skittles
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wait a minute not the fucking grandma's motherfucking rug you get on my nerves not the big blanket on the bed cheesecake yeah baby a little confused I mean he's trying out he's trying I don't think we will ever really see him in a suit suit well you know DL said he was flying you know DL got a little swag so hopefully those were gifts like somebody bought those out like all the pieces of that for him
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What I want to know is who dressed him. He could have dressed himself, but this is the prime example of a man with money that don't know what the fuck to do because he... But you always try to keep up with style so aint gonna ...I dont'know ...i just think The hat ..He could have left it He wanted to put on that sweater though, he feelin' that sweater
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The pieces are cool except the sweater to me, but it's just not put together well. The hat is cool, but not cool with that outfit. The bag looks like it's a hat bag for a fedora. Overall I don't like it, but some of the pieces are cool.
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Damn, Fedex! I am shocked. You don't like the sweater. I fucking like the sweater. It's everything else that's throwing me off. It's throwing me off, but you right. That's probably a fucking hat box. Ugh. Yeah, it's too bright. Mm-mm. Too bright.
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I like how the scale only goes to five not even a ten. One through five at best.
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Prim shut the fuck up you wasn't supposed to notice that why would you be the only one to call that shit out because we know this shit was not worth the ten okay i don't even it wasn't even worth the five but way you say look like somebody having a hard time with his life oh my god wow
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Oh no, he looked like somebody who is having a hard time in life and they had to hit up the closet at rehab because they didn't have no more belongings. So they had to hit up the donations closet, that's what he looked like.
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I think if it was on a different body. I think because he's quite short and round and plump, it doesn't look the way it's meant to.
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And now see this is exactly why I needs to go troll and have somebody who taller Try on with said your cattle so we can see said that you got a point. You got a fucking point
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