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Oración 132d
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Kilted Liam
Kilted Liam
Kilted Liam
Kilted Liam
Kilted Liam
Kilted Liam
Oración 136d
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Anonymous 135d
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Hamza 132d
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Oración 131d
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Just like I told the other girl, why don't you guys go and live over there? Matter of fact, why don't you both go and live in Israel and tell me how that works for you? Because if you're a white American you're done for. And especially if you believe in Jesus because at that point you're a slave to them. Cause anybody that's not like them is just an animal. So you tell me how that would work out for you.
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Right, you're telling us this because this is coming from a biased opinion, right? If you were completely unbiased, I would completely understand that this is coming from a biased opinion so No, no one's going to take you seriously.
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Giant israelis just pull up tae you, strollin' Like they're a fuckin'.. Big guy Just, ay Oh, you What god do you.. What god do ya believe in? Oh, ya believe in Allah? Or get back on that plane Nah. They.. Nuh, Nuh, dat's nuh, how they work
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Do you even know where Israel is? Mr. Anonymous- with no picture- talking all this damn shit? That's right, you don't know where Israel is because they never had a home of their own. Which is sad, not gonna lie, but fuck if you're gonna take everybody's money just to kill a bunch of innocent children because you don't have a home. And the sad thing is it's not even like all Jewish and Israelis fault, it's IDF, it's government. No different than Hamas.
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So, the only ignorant ass right now would probably be you, because you're trying to speak on behalf of the LGBTQ, and I doubt you're any of the above. So definitely don't speak for me because you wouldn't know a day in my life at all. You don't know where is safe and where it's not safe for me. And if you're siding with terrorists, which in fact are Israelis, That, that just wraps up this session.
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It's the IDF really, the IDF. The other ones, that are trying to kill Hamas. For the killings. For Hamas' killings. They.. The IDF are trying to stop their killings.
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It goes both ways though. This is between Hamas and IDF the thing is if Israel wouldn't have been trying to wipe people off the map for the past thousand years this wouldn't be happening in 2024 but you know everyone's crying about well hamas has all these hostages Yeah, that's actually the least that they could do because Israel has killed 40,000 people The numbers don't even add up.
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So yeah, you've got a point now.
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I'm kind of struggling to find a narrative about why they killed forty thousand and I'm saying well they could be doing it to try and get Hamaas to reveal themselves and stop less. But then I was like no, no wait wait that's a stupider idea.
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It's quite funny how Eh... Catholics like me in Scotland are quite different from the bands you get in America, right? Because we aren't like Catholics here, eh, we are not erm all we do is is talk about football well, soccer as you Americans like to call it
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Last time I remembered, they don't accept that anywhere in the world, but do you really think we don't exist? Think about it.
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in this case I think you would just have to be trans in order to know what it's like I don't really think there's anywhere in the world that's actually safe for us I mean turn on the internet looks like they pretty much hate us everywhere so but I mean I would hate me too if I was insecure
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Okay, it's just a fact that in Canada and the United States you are more likely to be safe as a transgender person, okay? Cuz I see I see Transgender people like openly expressing themselves. There are pride parades here. Okay in Canada I live in Canada, but if you go to Gaza, do you think they have pride parades there? Do you think they have trans people openly expressing themselves? No
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okay somebody just got off their menstrual cycle and thought they were going to run my ass over tonight but if you think canada and uk are the only places that openly express lgbtq you're wrong and if you think gaza is the only place that openly disapproves the lgbtq you're also wrong there's many places in the world that are against it or with it but that doesn't mean it's going to stop me from defending innocent people it's not palestine it's just innocent babies
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If you think that I'm just supposed to hate Palestine because you think they hate me then that's definitely a you problem not a me problem. This is not a situation of fighting fire with fire I'm not going to hate people just because I feel like they hate me that doesn't do anything for us that's redundant and and reductive.
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They would literally murder you and not feel any empathy about it and you want to support them anyways? I'm confused.
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regardless hating people because they have a problem with me is really just a very moronic thing to do. To each their own, do as you wish. But for all the people that want to defend Israel, I mean go to their country and tell me how how how that works out for you.
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Oh yes, dear, I can already say. I lived there until I was two years old, and my parents lived there for a lot of their life. So I will say, it's actually very nice there. Um, the people there are very nice, and it's actually a very LGBTQ accepting country. There's pride parades there, so, um, what's your point?
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also shout out to Ireland beautiful country lovely people I'm still on my bucket list always wanted to go they just really like you guys really just stand up for humanitarianism no matter who or what you are and that's what the whole world needs especially the Middle East because no matter what country or religion in the Middle East those poor people have been in turmoil for thousands of years and it doesn't do anybody good.
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