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TellNickLegit 257d
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hey, social media is its own world and it's becoming the real world even though you're not physically there and that's what social media is hey, this is one of those real posts that most people are not going to get to see but I definitely am grateful that I seen it
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That doesn't mean that everybody that I have encountered face-to-face, that now I communicate on social media, that I didn't have any love for them. But it just meant that the bond wasn't strong enough for us to be constantly in communication. We'd check in every so often, and I think that at any time, whether it's before social media or when we were writing letters, that's probably how people also engage with each other, with the exception of certain generations which always use the phone.
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Oh, um, for some reason I thought this was on Instagram. I thought I saw this, saw this, uh, page before. Um, but I just want to say that it is the reality of the world now is that we do communicate through social media and I think it depends on your condition, like how you grew up and how you communicate with people around you too. I got another message.
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For example, um, I grew up in a family where I wasn't really given the freedom or I even had the appreciation for me speaking up and talking. I talked a lot, but I was a youngest so it was like, oh, girl sit down over there, whatever. So, um, I just learned how to kind of protect myself and just be around people that I know are, accept me as being authentic and take me as who I am. And so that doesn't mean.
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