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What's the Mandela effect that makes you question reality for anyone who doesn't know what a Mandela affect is like something you clearly remember and a bunch of other people remember but it never actually happened for me it's one of the most popular ones the Berenstein bears was never called the Berenstein bears it was called the Berenstain Bears the whole time in the whole entire letters changed yeah that that fucked my reality up
I'm not the back you up on that one I was you literally as I was listening to it and use a mandolin folks literally was about to say the Berenstein bears
Finally, this has already became to be true. There's VHS tapes that have the correct spelling on it. The one that we all remember, and then there's like the pictures of the spelling of that we don't remember the Mandela effect.
Obviously there's a lot of like photoshop and AI shit going on now so it's really hard to like even realize like what's real but Go down the rabbit hole, be careful of the Photoshop shit.
For me it was punching a bunch of my dick through the five Latina bitches like do you have big booties and everything and just punching my dick through all of them and shit like that and I was recording it and then when I looked in
When I was recording it and I checked the next day that it was in my camera just a light look at it again I wasn't fucking there and I called my homeboy who put me out with the bitches things and I never did that was like what the fuck
So I feel like I've been through a few Mandela effects where it's like nah, it definitely was the other way. But okay, we have timelines. The one last year though, when, you know, remember when the Mona Lisa was being defiled and was all over news and TV? I walk out into the living room and I'm seeing this shit play on the news. I'm looking at my parents, I'm like, that's not the real Mona Lisa. And they're giving me a dumbfounded look.
If that's the case tell me why I have so many plushies of these characters who had tails and No, they don't have tails. Tell me Tell me Mandela effects are real They've been proven.