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Hey guys, I've got a quick question to tell you. I want you guys to be honest with me. What is your red and green flags? Yeah, just let me know what it is. I'm very optimistic. Let me know.
For me, a red flag in a guy is one who likes to hang out with a lot of females. I think that's a major red flag for me. As for a green flag, I would say something I like in men would be his humorous personality if he's funny. I think that's a go for sure. Shout out to you for sharing this question. Much love to you, Matt.
That is amazing answer Um, yeah, you know for me I know it sounds a bit I'm not saying it's harsh But at least it's honesty if it was my red flag I have to say girls hanging out with their ex as their best friends I think for my opinion, it is a bit messed up, you know, and i'll show you love as well