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Queen Donatella
Mirror Twlks Podcast
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Sistah Crystal House Of PYE
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Sistah Crystal House Of PYE
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Mirror Twlks Podcast
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Queen Donatella
Sistah Crystal House Of PYE
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Queen Donatella
Jjj 240d
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Queen Donatella
Mirror Twlks Podcast
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I am Queen Donatella. You better stop playing. Please bring back Kings of Stereo and I'll host it with you. I know you got thotties, you know, but yeah, you know. If not thottie because I ain't seen them recently, you got cryptos. I am, yeah.
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Cryptos no, I don't got body that ain't that was just battle royale, you know, Kings the stereo and Queens The stereo are their own separate award shows. We just came together for this one on this one time You can run it's gonna be a lot of things for you to be able to run for
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Great afternoon, Donatella. You are not hated, and I still love you, baby. At least not to that extent. I mean, you're going to have people who are misunderstood and who misunderstand you. And at one point, I was one of those people who misunderstood you and your community, but I never talked about you because I didn't know you. I mean, now I can say, Queen Donatella, blah, blah, blah, blah. But nah, bring that shit back because you got people asking me about it. Oh, you were nominated?
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Hey there, Queen Donatella. Okay, this is take two. Of course, you should continue doing King of Stereo There are people already campaigning for it like DJ Lord Shumik. Okay, I'm gonna have to come back
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Hey Queen Donatella, hey, hey there, a lot of these other award shows that came up behind you used some of y'all formula like the live voting and all that. You, from my understanding, you were the first ones to do that.
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Oh, you were nominated? How can I join? Where is it? Is it on stereo? Like, I was getting so many questions. I'm like, well, it's already over with, or it's too late. You know, you should've inputted why she actually had the show. So regardless of what goes on with Queen Donatella, she's still a very legendary individual who has given countless opportunities to people in their life. So, girl, hate on, hate on.
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Damn carbon, you trying to make me cry or whatever girl, you know, I'm just a woman. But no, thank you so much because I definitely as confident as I am, I definitely get up in my head and I just be wanting stuff to be enjoyable, um, for everybody. You know what I'm saying? And want people to be able to feel like supported, you know, if they decide to run. So, but you showed enough, right? Thank you so much for this word.
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And most importantly don't make me do a whole show saying Make sure Kings of stereo stay around and pull out my keyboard. I put my keyboard away and everything Don't make me bring out my keyboard and start my rapping and singing
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Well, Sister Krystal, I love the rapping and the singing. I love it when you pull out your keyboard for a nice praise, break, slash, rap. I thank you. And yeah, we were the ones who started the live voting and I just want everybody to have fun. Like, I want it to be fun and I don't want anybody to not have fun because I'm the one hosting it or not be able to have their people around.
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What does that consist of?
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Oh, what's going on, Triple J? The Scammer! It's an award show that I created called King's Astereo to recognize the men on this app for various things. I can send you a link of the last King's Astereo. And then you can also ask Kost, he was in the last Battle Royale, which was the King's Astereo and Queen's Astereo together. So, yeah.
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Of course, because when I had the opportunity to be a part of that experience, at first I was kind of looking at it like side eye, like, you know, they're not going to vote for me. They're not going to fuck with me. But Kia and Specs is spectacular. Those are people, and even Smoke Break, these are people who I communicated with before the award show and who actually showed me things in myself that I needed to look at. So hey, bring it back, you know what I'm saying, the noise is just going to have to be there. It's going to have to be there, and you're going to have to let it.
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