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Aleph 𐤀
Aleph 𐤀
Soroush 413d
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All right, so notice how you haven't answered the question because I asked you specifically do you believe this? All right, so you're relying on a 100% computer-generated image when you told me you can see the International Space Station with your own naked eye and on top of that we have powerful telescopes in this day and age you're telling me they couldn't get a telescopic image of this supposed moon landing it just 100% like exists in CGI. You believe that?
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A pencil doesn't float down, right? And I explained this before, solid objects are not created within the midst of the sky, right? They are created on the ground. Therefore, when you take it off the ground and you drop it, it's basically returning to its place of origin. Things don't just magically appear out of the sky and then fall down, and then we have to come up with some sort of, oh, it has to be this force.
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