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Լєҳɩ 275d
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Noor 271d
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Malaysia 267d
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Rohgish Sun 276d
Rohgish Sun
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Eh, just my personal opinion, this beautiful young lady that's criticizing all these people sounds like she's dead on the inside. And by that, I mean she's got the vagina vortex. You could throw a fucking hot dog down that bitch and it would never hit any wall.
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So you're just mad that she's attractive. That's it? You're not even listening to her message. Why are you mad about that? Society nowadays is glorifying obesity. Bro, it's not happy. It's not funny to be non-able to walk. It's not funny to not be able to work a job because you're too obese to get up. It's not funny. Like, so why are you trying to shame her for telling the truth?
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Oh, great.
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Oh no, Buffalo, I'm not gonna lie, you're cool people, I don't want any problems, I don't want any smoke with you, but no, we're not gonna do that. No matter if she's depressed or whatever inside, fat is fat and there's no excuse for being fat. And if you are fat, the simplest solution is hit the gym or you will die. It's that simple, there is no hate. You will die slowly and you will be overweight and you will be unhealthy, like no.
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There's no way that this is all you can come up with. Like, there's no way. I get it, it's your personal opinion, but Buffalo, I'm sorry. Fat is fat, and the doctors have said it, scientists have said it. If you're overweight, you should probably take care of yourself because that's a health risk. We're not gonna sit here and try to glorify fat people when they are clearly dying in front of us. No, it's not gonna happen, Buffalo.
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In no way, shape, or form is people telling you that you need to lose weight because of your health problems. That's not bullying. That's just pure fact. Like if you're overweight, you could risk diabetes. You know, you could risk having just so much other complications that I don't even have to Google right now to prove this point. But it's just, there's no, no. I'm sorry, Buffalo. No.
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I'm not attacking you for being fat. I'm just saying that people who truly care about you, Buffalo, will tell you things, you know, so you can be good, so you can be better, so you can feel healthier and you can be healthier. If people are telling you that it's okay to be fat and you know you're extremely overweight, those are not your friends and those are not people that truly care about you.
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All right, TCM, I don't know you well enough to gather an opinion about you, so don't worry. Secondly, just because somebody's fat doesn't mean that you should awkwardly assume that they're obese. There's a big difference between being obese and being a little overweight, which I assure you that while I'm a little overweight, I do work on that and eat healthy foods to prevent getting bigger.
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Also, TCM, why I expected Noor and the child up top to just make assumptions and be dumbasses, it doesn't mean that you have to make assumptions too, my friend. A. You assume that I'm obese. That is not true. B. You're assuming that I'm mad at this girl. That is not true. Here, let me get into the next message and tell you why I left this message.
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I left this message simply because, while she pointed out the fact that being obese will kill you, I wanted to point out the fact that being a whore will kill you. Also, so will cancer. Cancer will kill you. My dad was 60 years old when he got cancer and died from it. Never been obese a day in his life. Imagine that. While there are some avoidable things, death is overall unavoidable. See how that works?
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No, no, what you're what would what you're really doing is showing that you're upset with her for telling the truth These people are dead is because they overate And we all make decisions that affect our health and our life So we were not exempt or unique from it, but this is just the facts deal with them
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Okay, he did die from a heart condition that was when he was a really young child. But I guarantee you that him being overweight also was part of the issue. Like you cannot deny it. Doctors always tell you things straight up how it is. Go to a doctor and they're not going to lie to you because you know they care about your health. And the reality is that if you're overweight it will affect other conditions that you have. And like I said, I'm sorry I hurt your feelings.
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I mean, yeah, but the first girl is still right though, like just because you're fat doesn't invalidate the things you have to say. That's all I have to say, like the first girl is right still, but yeah.
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Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha For real. Do better.
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It's not really funny because like really think about it like society is really lied to these people that it's okay to be fat and it's okay to um not be able to walk and not be able to take care of your own kids so I don't find what's funny in this what's what's what's funny like they've been lied to they've been told hey it's fine to be fat and can't walk
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