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I think I need to speak for all the guys when I say this. If a girl makes false rape allegations, she should be arrested and sent to jail for the rest of her life.
Yeah, I don't think you should be talking to me that way considering it's not the law in most states. And I've watched people get their whole lives ruined over false allegations and the girls walk free. so learn the law and don't try to educate somebody who actually knows what they're talking about.
No no hell oh my God look up do you go to jail whenever the fuck out of your life though like get the fuck out yeah you're not for the fucking life your life
I don't know if they should be put in jail for their whole lives, but if a woman makes a false rape allegation against a man, she should be put in jail for as much time as he would have been put in jail if he actually did rape her.
Oh no, I completely think that it should be a life sentence. Like, there are people in these comments after me defending women like that. I think that they should be arrested. ruining somebody's life, destroying their scholarships, losing friends, it should be a life sentence.
No, there's another person in this reply chain defending women for that. Oh, we're just bad bitches. What the fuck? Please tell me what this world has come to that ruining men's lives is normalized.
That's crazy coming from someone who I feel like would friends on a guy because the way he looks You get treat you good and then not friends on a guy who treats you like shit, but looks good I really just don't understand that.
Plus, that's even crazier considering the fact women sell their bodies for $4.99 a month on ********, you know. but we're sluttier, right? You know, we're not throwing our bodies around, but we're sluttier. That makes sense.
Now see that's why all of us munch is gonna be coming after you and guess what? Guess what? You're not dead because you're not eating oats. suck the suck
He said it, I'm good enough, grab my t-t-t-t, think of that shit that I shit in the- So I was telling this one of me, he making fun of me, his girl is a bum to me, like that boy I say yeah Saying he out about to know where he at, like, be a blurb, perhaps, think about me getting that as fat, damn And if he would've been, cause it's fully a semi-fin, take my shit cause you know what I'm-士 that I am a stop what
Oh my god this is gonna be so bad but orange juice in my opinion guys it's better than apple juice So what are you disagree we're like yeah that's yeah
OK so like I low-key agree but like I feel like they're situational like apple juice is good sometimes then why does juices get other times like gorgeous this week in the morning black apple juice sometimes better
Yeah baby sorry your vote does not count if you physically cannot drink it without like getting sick like condition like allergic Lee you can't vote if you have one no
I'm God I can't believe how many people like Apple to smile like they believe this guys are yelling at me for saying orange is better than I was I was like come down to do another deal but it is
Personally, apple juice makes me nauseous and gives me a headache and stuff and the flavor is just not appealing. Orange juice definitely gives that zesty citrusy, sad-y, yeah, type of flavor. So yeah.
Every single laundromat in existence is a money laundering front there's no way it isn't like It's just like there's no way that means you will need to get that shit cleaned with Coors reserve any sense
See, I'm glad somebody else thinks the same as me because if you're in a car with me and we pass a laundry mat, I will tell you exactly what it is and what it is is a money laundering business.
I feel that way with food chains that get enough people to stay on above business but somehow stay in business even though they don't get a lot of people but there's this pizza place called pizza Bolis near my house and I swear they only get like me and my friend any of these stay in business
Something I'm thinking is that they're pulling a Connie Tucker from young Sheldon having like a gambling room in the back or like in the video store you know
Um, how do you fail art school? Like, I don't, I generally don't believe that you can fail art school. Like, um, it's art. You have your own style. how can they kick you out for having your own style?
Helen Keller's absolutely not real bro like she fucking said why not why not she flew plain she wrote 1340 books and should be here to drop and this girl is blind mute and if someone is going to be how this bitch is real
No she must only was real and was a pretty cool person to she helped found the ACLU she was a huge advocate for people with disabilities she was a suffragette and she was a socialist I think she deserves all the praise that she gets she's pretty cool
That actually doesn't explain to me how Helen Keller was real person so I'm a stick with my beliefs and say that color is not real because how could this girl fly a plane how could you read her books how could she be her teacher up if she's blind deaf and dumb thank you for my
Okay, but how would you feel if you just casually walking on the beach and then you see a group of guys staring at you and they are bricked up to maximum efficiency and you buy yourself. Are you a building?