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Yngs 543d
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Abzino 543d
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Isa Manson 538d
Isa Manson
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Viviana Osorio
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Alisha 537d
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Sam Ankrom 536d
Sam Ankrom
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Anayeli Cazares
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Boss Gal 521d
Boss Gal
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Silvia lonso 519d
Silvia lonso
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I think it's necessary from time to time
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Yeah I think you know every couple months every six weeks or so maybe just come off social media for like a week or so just a kind of refreshing take a step back that detox definitely needed
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I've heard a lot about social media detox. I personally have never tried it, but whoever that I've spoken to that has tried it always tells me good things about it and I think I I might have to try it later down the line when I'm ready to be fair.
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I have absolutely done this many times monthly I do this I will delete an app and then go a few days without it and then I end up downloading it it again because like I want to connect with people I want to talk to people I wanna see what people are doing and yeah but I do you think it's necessary and good for your mental health to take a break and to focus on other things
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I have tried it it's necessary and it feels so good it's basically like giving some fresh air to your brain
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I have tried a social media detox and I tried to do one or two every month just because even though social media is a great tool to connect with other people and share ideas at the same time it can clutter your brain with other people's thoughts because you're constantly hearing other people's opinions and connecting with their energies and it sort of pulls you away from yourself so I feel like it's necessary to go on a detox so you can re-center yourself focus on yourself and get in soon with yourself.
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I suggest that everybody have at least like one day a week where they are off of social media because we just have so much negativity and comparison put into our brains all day every day while we're scrolling and it's really important to just be able to spend time by yourself and just understand and have gratitude for your own life
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Yes I've tried it it's really good for you for your mental's for you to feel a life I feel like if you look at social media consistently all the time and you're always on it you feel sick you feel weird you need to experience life God side not be on social media enjoy your family friends or just time alone you need to really plan yourself and be around Healthy environment social medias
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I do it weekly, almost daily, but I cut back a lot. Even on my main pages now, I don't post like I used to. I just post every once in a while. I took a long social media break for three months, And like now it's like weird for me to post on social media.
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Yes I have tried social media detox
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