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Then what you're gonna be like, oh, yeah, I understand that but I'm gonna go hang out with him. Anyway, no He's aren't you're under his control. Now. You're under his jurisdiction. Okay, you don't understand the nature of men Men and women cannot be friends. I don't even know what you think. This is what you think this is
Well, you need to ask yourself, is the person that you're with like a respectable person enough? Like, do you care about this person enough to be able to eliminate that person that's bothering him or her?
And then you need to also ask yourself if they had that same energy towards you. What if there was a woman or man in their life that they couldn't eliminate just because they were friends?
You may not like this said person as much as you think but at the end of the day, you can never know what that person feels towards you. So, let's say you're a woman, right, and you have a boyfriend and your boyfriend notices that this guy is getting way too close with you. And you don't see it because you think it's just friends. But how do I explain it? He may feel that your guy best friend actually likes you.
Because whether you like it or not, guys understand guys and guys know when a particular guy likes their woman. Just like woman understand woman. Woman know when a woman is doing too much. So, you need to ask yourself, is his jealousy coming from a place of I'm concerned because I feel like this person might be able to take you from me or is this person just being controlling? And that's what you...
And then you need to ask yourself, is it worth it for me to eliminate this person that my boyfriend doesn't like? You know, versus keeping my boyfriend. I'm assuming you're a woman, right? I assume you're a woman, I don't know. I'm assuming maybe you're not a woman, maybe you're a man, who knows. But you get what I'm saying.
You need to also ask yourself, is this friend of mine, this guy friend of mine, if I was to tell him that I liked him right now, would he date me, would he want me back, even though we're supposed to be just best friends?
Yeah, it's perfectly okay. I mean, if you're in a relationship, most relationships, the guys that lead it, he leads the relationship. He sees things that might be damaging to the relationship, such as a man or a woman. Either or. But if they seem damaging to the relationship, he could say, right, we shouldn't really talk to them because they're going to try and fuck us up. So it's best to stay clear of them.
Basically what you women need to do is choose the right man. The right man that can lead you correctly where you want to go. And that doesn't mean financially, that just means comfortably with these two. Where you can have a happy life with kids and whatnot and be comfortable. If you seek out more than that then you know you're pushing him. And then you can push him too far and so on. So it's all sorts of scenarios.
Who even has a boyfriend? Who literally even has a boyfriend now? Like, if you're in a relationship, fuck you. I hope you guys, like, break up, okay? I hope everything bad happens, like, and date, fall in a ditch, goodnight!
You really can't control who a person is talked to or who they don't talk to. But there are boundaries, and boundaries, people have to respect that. And if they don't respect it, hey, sometimes you gotta reject it. I'll let the boy, bad boy, take it in, let's go.
Sometimes that person's just not for you because if you can't respect that person's boundaries, then you can't respect that person That's what I'm trying to say. I agree with that, you know If you feel like you can't respect this person enough to cut people off for this person You don't have to because that's not your person and that's how you know that that's not your person
I think I've heard an argument on this topic and they said That if a woman is in a relationship with a man then she should trust his judgment fully and I I don't think it's really necessary to sit down and be like I don't want you to talk to this person. I don't like them or whatever like I