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2 разговоров
10 подписчиков
Подписки 8
18 listeners
Special Presentation: SoulfulFusion 10 Year Reunion!
An Evening of Reflection & Holiday Celebrating! Hosted LIVE by Voice Coach Sallyb and friends, former members of the SoulfulFusion (SF) project will meet here to reflect on their artist development experience with Sallyb and to report about their life today. | Subscribe At SingingFlat.com to be notified about upcoming classes. Yours in MUSIC 🎶-sb
Nini и ещё 5
17 listeners
Special Presentation: SoulfulFusion 10 Year Reunion!
An Evening of Reflection & Holiday Celebrating! Hosted LIVE by Voice Coach Sallyb and friends, former members of the SoulfulFusion (SF) project will meet here to reflect on their artist development experience with Sallyb and to report about their life today. | Subscribe At SingingFlat.com to be notified about upcoming classes. Yours in MUSIC 🎶-sb
Nini и ещё 4
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