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Life is ambiguous, and I'm running out of answers as to what you should do in life and what you shouldn't do, because I'm starting to realize that nothing really matters, especially in a world where you're just going to die at the end anyway. Imagine if you were playing a game, and no matter how well you played it, you still lost in the end. Like, what would be the point of that game? Would you try to get as good as possible at it, or would you just fucking wing it because it doesn't matter? Should you stay on the right path, or make bad decisions? Like, I mean, if you make good decisions, you should have a good life, right? What about people who make bad decisions and then they win the fucking lottery, you know? What about that shit? I'm just like, how the fuck do you go through life feeling like you know shit, when none of it is very well defined? I just feel like everything is just kind of like maybe, you know?
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