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It's been a long, hard day. Let me tell you something about hard work, son. It pays off though. I'm actually serious. It does pay off. You find yourself a nice little niche, a niche, a nice little hole that you can crawl into and you pick away at the walls. You collect rocks and then you trade them in for gold doubloons or whatever the fuck. I think a lot of people in my generation, the millennials, we got stressed the fuck out about careers and shit. And we got told that working in an office is the worst thing that could ever happen to you. And that, you know, you're never going to have enough money. You're always just going to be behind the eight ball forever. Nothing's ever going to work out for you. You're never going to find a good job. And then you're going to get hooked on crack and you're going to die in the alleyway. That's what everyone in my generation was told about work. It's all lies. It's all bullshit dreamed up by communist professors to justify their low position in society. Facts are facts. It's like if you just do the math, budget your money correctly, you work the job, you work enough hours, you don't overextend yourself. You don't, you know, you pay all your bills on time. Everything's fine. Everything stays nailed down to the fucking floor. An evil billionaire in a top hat is not going to show up and snatch away all your hard earned doubloons. It's not going to happen. It's just not going to happen. I'm just saying, like, stay focused, work hard and, you know, do what's right for you. You know, only work for people who benefit you. Only work places you actually enjoy. Only do jobs you're actually passionate about. But make sure that you're passionate about making lots of money in a job that is supported by the economy. Because if you don't, you're going to end up homeless in the middle of the street smoking crack with a big piece of shit on your face. OK, kill yourself. Bye.
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