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Benicio DeLaCruz
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Domestic Hater
Domestic Hater
Benicio DeLaCruz
Ur local border hopper
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Domestic Hater
Domestic Hater
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What's up guys? So this is gonna be a different sort of post. I am promoting a Discord. Not just any Discord though, it's a Stereo specific Discord. It's gonna have quite a few popular er er stereo creators in it. We'll have Mr. Bombastic, the Taco Man Benicio de la Cruz, Rot, and of course me. Oh yeah, Jamiro McGee as well. I almost forgot about him. That's embarrassing. But yeah, all of us are gonna be in there. We can play some games together, or we can watch us play games, it doesn't really matter. We can just talk. And of course, there are also rose battles, because I know you definitely wanna take me on in a rose battle. Why wouldn't you? Anyways, I'm gonna have the Discord link in the soundbite, I'm not adding it to my description because fuck that. And if you can't get in through the soundbite, then you can DM me because my DMs are always open. I will always respond at some point. Anyways, oh yeah, one last thing. This is not gonna make me turn into a chronically online Discord kid. I'm still gonna hate as usual because that's my job to fucking hate. I might hate on you in the Discord as soon as you join. You never know. Anyways, join because remember, I know where you all live. I know your real names. I even know your just specific coordinates. I know where your room is in your house. Because I have cameras in every single one of your houses. So join us.
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Bro. Wait, does my link look like that? How did you add that link like that? I'm so confused.
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There was a little chain link button under the like right next to where you because you chose to do the little choice thing like I'll join or I won't join or whatever or congratulations. But yeah, there's a link button next to it. That's why.
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Also, you had to choose between having that link or the choice thing, and I decided that. Um... Sorry, to have the link.
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Hey, I can make tons of posts about this. I'm gonna spam it so people will join.
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I don't even have a camera in my room and And then you'll join
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Unfortunately darling, driving a few hundred miles isn't in my book of things to do tonight. Maybe tomorrow.
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I would have the sound board for this one, but I'm about to go to bed. Anyways, hand off the addy, and we'll find out how far you are.
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