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Alright, so I want to talk about this so have you all noticed like the emergence like suddenly of all these talk Profiles like they have their specific topics and they're talking about whatever the fuck so It's it's just it's a little weird to me because they all like appeared at the same time and they all have very very similar So not subscriber follower counts like they all are just like within 600 to 700 followers They follow zero people. It's all the same It's all the same and they all sound like fucking NPCs. I don't know. It's just It's fucking weird honestly and They don't respond to their comments one of them I heard that they're apparently like stealing content from somebody else I don't know there's a lot of shit that I got to get into here, but What are your thoughts on? these discussion Profiles now that are appearing Cuz I don't know I mean they're better than the fucking rate knees all the time, but It's just a little fucking weird like this is a fucking inside job shit I need to put on my tinfoil hat for this shit.
You're so fucking right because they all really came up on the same time and the all closer like 600 like 700 something And like this is a really conspiracy theory actually this actually might be like real shit. I don't know
It's so fucking annoying I swear to God I love you just be trying to save the most out-of-pocket shit on the Internet and then it's like What would happen if the word fuck to Goku like bitch shut the fuck up holes
Oh OK so here's my thing so basically I think that they're actually something to do with the government ad like they're spying on what we're into what we like and shit so that
Add is it so you don't have like advertisements where you like you see you you're like oh did I really need a new couch are you get are you get it or you get an advertisement for really for a really expensive
LA later are they they they they the government they track everything you say and they track you down so if you're like you're like man I wish my mom was dead so they kidnap your mom and they put a gun to her head
In and then they shoot her in the afterwards you you come back and then you get your mom is there any attention to funeral and then the government is like we've been waiting for you and then and then be like oh man I wish the government
And then there they like put a gun to all their head and they shoot each other at the same time and then and then and then that that's what I think happened like they they evolved into power rangers and
So in conclusion I've no idea what the fuck I just said but thank you for listening to this whole entire day thank you thank you thank you Yeah thank you
You know, I thought you were serious and you just had that worst stutter in existence until you started going on about the mom and everything. But I still listened through either way. I enjoyed this. Thank you.
You're welcome you see you see the thing is is that maybe I was it maybe I wasn't joking like maybe I was so serious to the point where you thought that I was joking but like that's cause the government is brainwashing you