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So there was this recent interview with J. Cole, and Lil Durk has also spoken on this too. Basically, J. Cole doesn't charge for his features at all, supposedly. He says zero dollars, he just loves what he does, loves the art and craft of it, so he's not going to charge for it. Why? And Lil Durk, on the other hand, I think he had mentioned like $325,000 or $350,000 he's charged for features, which is absolutely crazy. But at the same time, if you think about it, Lil Durk has had a feature with Drake. Okay, and come on, that's literally Drake. So at that point, you better get your bread, because you know Drake's making hella money off that song, and off of you being on that song too, you know? So I mean, I see the light to both, but I would definitely probably charge if I was an artist and doing features, if I had a name for myself like Lil Durk. Obviously, if I was a nobody, no, come on, I'll do the features for free. But I mean, J. Cole, man, I know you love your craft, but at least charge a little bit.