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When it comes to candles, I find that people either really love them or they don't. So tell me, do you like candles, especially scented candles? Because for me personally, yes I do, but I love the more like natural based ones, like that have essential oils in it and stuff like that. But yeah, I know people out there who cannot stand candles because it gives them a massive headache or the fact that something like a candle is burning inside their house gives them anxiety. Yeah, for whatever reason it is that they don't like them, I totally respect that. And yeah, everyone has different tastes, that's what I'm asking.
I like candles. I really do. But someone told me one time, because I have asthma, but since you have asthma, you shouldn't have candles. So that's why I believed it. So I haven't gotten it. But you know what? Screw it. Next time I get paid, I'm going to buy some candles. I want one that smells like cookies. I want cookies. I want the smell of cookies.