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So with all the stuff that's been going on in the world, I just want to hear some positive stuff. What do you really care about? Like, name something you're passionate about or a hobby that you've been caring more towards or things that you've been doing to uplift others. Tell me, what do you really care about? Because for me personally, I've gotten into music. I grew up playing music. And I really care for playing the guitar now more than ever, to be honest. I have been learning new songs, and hopefully I can play a full song without messing up. I'm getting there. I learned how to play guitar about seven years ago. I'm not a perfectionist by any chance. But yeah, I feel like I've definitely been much more caring towards music. And a couple other things, such as making jewelry or watching old school movies. Just things that I didn't really give much attention to before. Now I totally am. But yeah, let me know what you care for.