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Ajani 545d
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Consciousness 544d
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Tcmvives 543d
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Aleecia Chisom
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SweetFreak 545d
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Kiki 544d
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Grace Swavely 544d
Grace Swavely
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Creepah 543d
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Jay 543d
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Javier 534d
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I'm not good with words, bro. If you ever come to me for comfort, bro, I am NOT the one. I am not the one because I'm gonna hit you like I really don't like I really want to help you out bro but the way like the way I'm gonna respond and the fact that I stutter too so it's gonna be like really awkward it's just like not helpful I'm just gonna hit you with the oh damn that's
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Yeah, as I was trying to say cuz it cut me off I'm just gonna hit you with the oh damn that's crazy or like Oh weird. Oh Bro, it's so bad. I really want to help you out, but I just don't know the right words Like I'm not the type of person to comfort somebody like if I'm comforting them I have to do it like physical touch like I have to hug them and I mean I could tell you that it's alright, but I really I really can't like talk to
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Am I making sense? I feel like I'm speaking gibberish, like I don't know what I'm saying.
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You legit sound like five. I'm not even gonna put any higher than that you sound like five-year-old
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Cuz like I have like the high-pitched um voice changer on but it's not it's not like that that's not my real voice, bro
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Yeah that is the biggest red flag. Big time. My biggest red flag is basically when fucking women try to take lead. Women are not leaders. It's biologically imprinted on them. They're betas. Men are alphas, women are betas. Women are followers, men are leaders. As soon as women try to take that leading fucking role it's like sit down bitch. We ain't leading this into the nail salon.
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I deal with it all the time. You should have seen me one time, I took down this bitch on the fucking inline. All of her friends jumped in, started sticking up for her, saying I'm a narcissist and all this crap. And then, one by one, they just stopped commenting. And then it was just her left by herself. And I was like, look, all your friends have disappeared. Because they all know that they're talking shit. And now they don't want to talk anymore. And now it's just you. It's like, yeah, I get it all the time and I destroy them all the time. They're all spastics.
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Okay, I don't know what you think you're saying, but what if women did not put you into your place? You would be fucking up every fucking day. Every fucking day. Like, you're sitting here and you're saying that women are narcissists, all this other shit, but what if they did not put you in your place?
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don't come at me with a little squeaky voice trying to dictate a point you seem stupid and you're a woman so you're obviously gonna find that offensive but I don't give a fuck at the end of the day it's truth and logical so take it as you will but yeah no woman's ever gonna put me in my place as you put it like how can a woman put me in my place what's she gonna do like realistically what can she do to
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you sound like you think you're alpha like you think you can lead in a relationship what makes you think you can lead in a relationship you're not a male you do not have any leader characteristics in you you're a female you bend over you take it in the ass other pussy either are you bend over you take it men are givers women are takers that simple it's wired don't fuck with that
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First of all bitch, I do not have a motherfucking squeaky voice for for starters Second of all, what are you gonna do without your mom? The fuck that's how you was born What are you gonna do come out your daddy's ass the fuck
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What do you mean, what am I gonna do without my mom? What about my dad? I mean did my dad not have a part in raising me? You're so dumb. Like you definitely sound like a they-them fucking like, you know, little hippie Pipsqueak that ain't even started puberty yet
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I'm sorry, but who the fuck do you think you are talking to me like that? I don't understand what your problem is But you need to pipe down a little bit cuz I'm not fucking with you like this So like pipe down a little bit cuz who the fuck do you think you are? the fuck
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Ha! Shut up, bitch! Chat to anyone how I like. If they don't like it, they can fight me. Are you gonna fight me? No, you're not. So shut the fuck up, you little bitch. Do some dishes.
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This is the dumbest shit I've ever seen in my entire life, like, you're not getting this from any source, you're just spreading false information because of what you made up in your fucking head. So basically, ask me why, in America right now, the highest paying jobs for right now, the women, are for women, like, jobs right now that are being given out are now for women, like, most of them, which are LEADERSHIP ROLES, YOU DUMB BITCH.
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The biggest red flag of somebody is having no communication and having no expression at all about anything that they think or feel. When they shut down instead of actually trying to talk to you about it or them knowing that they're wrong about not communicating but they refuse to communicate because they don't know how to do it because of past trauma. That's a red flag.
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Okay, I know I'm probably not the biggest one, but this is what my friend says and they say it's annoying so I Have to agree with them. It's not intentional, but you know I tend to do this a lot when my friends are sad upset or hurt I try to help them as much as possible even when they tell me not to and give them some space I don't give them space Because I feel bad because I can't find a solution for them So I try to help them as much as possible and it ends up being worse than it already is
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No, I'm emotionally stunted and I don't care for affection, so if people are after like a lovey-dovey do anything for you, tell you how much they love you person, I'm not that. I guess it's kind of a red flag.
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See, I can't agree here. I cannot. See, I would think that you are the opposite of this, and you are actually, um, quite not what you just tried to put down, so I don't know. Just my opinion, though, it's okay.
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Um, if I'm having an argument with somebody, I just say like the worst things possible.
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My biggest red flag is when I tell somebody about my childhood trauma or past trauma and they act like I'm just being overdramatic. I'm just like, um, huh? What? Or when somebody says they're into something weird like feet. Like something really weird like that. I understand being kinky, but not that kinky.
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I'm kind of insensitive and I don't usually go for girls that are they repel me I don't feel like or if you like real shine cuz I'm bold as hell yeah those are my red flags
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