Grace Swavely I'm tired but I have homecoming next Saturday and I'm going with my sister because I can't bring people from out of my school ughhh
Grace Swavely Me when people that I'm talking to or the person I like doesn't give me attention and I'm horny and clingy and trying not to act like a brat
Grace Swavely Can you all tell me why I can't find love like why is it so hard to love me what do I do wrong
Grace Swavely I'm bored asf right now also I'm not flat it's just my boobs go to the side with out a bra
Grace Swavely I'm bored and I wanted to say hiii and thank you to people who follow me please follow me
Grace Swavely I'm trying to grow my nails out like that again I love long nails and I just love this song
Grace Swavely Can someone give me there honest opinion on me thank you also I don't even know how most of you get so many people to follow you and react to your post like hiii I love talking to new people
Grace Swavely Hi I'm new on this app but is every one usually so mean to others I'm sorry idk I'm just confused hiii
Grace Swavely Can you all tell me why I can't find love like why is it so hard to love me what do I do wrong
Grace Swavely I'm bored and I wanted to say hiii and thank you to people who follow me please follow me
Grace Swavely Hi I'm new on this app but is every one usually so mean to others I'm sorry idk I'm just confused hiii