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Moist Ghost 295d
Moist Ghost
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So, I just joined, and I already posted something, but literally the only reason I'm on here is to make new friends, and to get someone to just like love my cat as much as I do. Cause like, look at her! Look at her! Do you not see how glorious she is in that beautiful orange light? She's literally so beautiful, so gorgeous. I can't believe she's like my cat, like, she's a goddess in disguise, and nobody even knows it. Like, she's... Like, beautiful. Like, ah, I can't even, I can't even, man, like, that's just my cat, man! Like, she's my child! She's my baby, and she's gorgeous, and I'm over here lookin' like, like Squidward, basically. Yeah, like, my cat is a goddess, man, a goddess.
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oh my god that cat is gorgeous though but like i'm a dog person so why don't dog and cat just like live together in harmony it'd be so much better two of the cutest pets just like living up just living together like it it'd be so cute but man i will hug your cat until like i can't stop hugging him
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