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Moist Ghost 296d
Moist Ghost
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No, no, no, seriously. What is this app? I'm on this app for not even like two seconds and it's just but like Is this app just for girls to that to get something that they can't get in real life like Oh like, okay, um Whatever. I mean you do you I guess but like the people commenting on your posts and saying crap It's even funnier because they sound like they're 10 Um, and I know i'm like over here something like maybe i'm 10, but you know, whatever
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Yeah, same page. I'm still trying to figure this shit out because I don't know if this is like a dating app or just a TikTok ripoff or like something else. But, um, yeah. Like, it's not too bad. Like, it could be worse. Like, the only bad part is like the comments and the people getting messaged by some racist ******. So, it's not too bad.
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