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so before i start this post i just want to say that joe jonas and sophie turner have two young daughters and so keep that in mind and also just be respectful because there are children involved but basically in case you didn't know joe jonas filed for divorce from sophie turner and since the divorce has basically come out there's just been a lot of claims and just messy media painting sophie to be a bad mother but everyone is defending sophie turner and people are believing that joe is just in the wrong for doing so many things to damage her character and something that really makes people mad is that you know she's being painted as like a partier when she's clearly not and uh there are pictures that were leaked from a work party and i guess that's what he's referencing to i'm not entirely sure obviously no one truly knows because you know we're not in their inner circle but it makes me really sad that she's going through that and i feel genuinely bad for sophie turner um as well as her doing the best she could to conceal her two daughters identities from the public eye and literally super recently joe jonas was out at a cafe and there was a paparazzi moment with his two daughters and so you know i again just feel really bad and i'm team sophie just to be clear but yeah you be the judge let me know what you think