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Listen, now every time I see this shit, I swear that might be the punchline for some people. I'm this and I'm that. I'm just like, you're just ordinary people.
These are two damn cute two damn cute and that's that I'm sitting here staring at these two dang nabbit cats That's what they're called dang nabbit cats a black and a white tuxedo female moon bean And then I have big fat orange Garfield looking beyond over there named Bootsy. So yeah, they But these are cute. These are cute kitties. Not like these fat spoiled cats over here. Dang nabbit cats. Let's go then
Oh, that's so funny your cats. Yeah, you have an orange cat named Garfield now I had an orange cat when I was little but we called him lasagna. That's because that's what Garfield ate He was just so fat, he was just so fat, but I had one named Snowball, but Snowball was crazy and used to run out the house all the time. Probably why I'm not the biggest animal person now Not big on them cats, but shout out to you and you that put them cats to cute. I know them cats are cute. Mm-hmm
I actually had these in my phone and I was like, what was I doing with these? I just dumped them all out here and dedicated to me out of campus. Why not? Right? She deserves the dedication. All her cats and stuff she be posting, that's too cute.
Wait, no, cats are the total opposite of everything you're thinking. Cats are not clingy. They don't come when you call. They actually clean themselves. They don't like to be up under you unless they want to. This is why I identify more if I had to pick what kind of animal I was, a dog or a cat, I'd probably be a cat because you can't just make me up under you. You know, you can call a dog, you can't call a cat. No, cats are not clingy, definitely not dirty. Those are dogs. You're thinking about dogs, not cats. Yeah, so I don't do fringes.