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Hey y'all, it's Bunny J. I just want to keep reminding y'all, vote for me for Miss Postmasters. You know you see me, you see me all around, so you know it's true. I'm Bunny J, aka Miss Support Her, aka Miss Postmasters. See how that sound? Don't forget to vote for me September 9th, the Battle Royale for Postmasters. Let me know.
shout out to you bad bunny J miss future postmaster should you actually win the vote you know what I appreciate your posts and I just want to say you know I hope you do win I don't know anyone else that's going for I heard of a couple of other people I just can't remember their name at this time but I do hope you're having a lovely weekend
How are you, Bunny? I send you a greeting, I come here to leave you a little love in the Sunbite and I wish you good luck for the 9th of September, you have to win that postmaster award. See you!