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Hey Serial and my beautiful Serial family. Listen, this shit took the rug out of me because I definitely thought about this. If Butler's ex die right now and his daughter wailing and crying and I don't know I don't know what to do like you gotta you gotta have a different kind of heart to try to understand it's still somebody in their life that they loved and cared about. But if they sitting over there on the floor, snot nose, can't eat, can't breathe for some days. How you feeling? You straight? You good? You allowing them to mourn? You allowing them to be human? Or you like fuck this shit you don't love me? What are you doing? Answer the question in the comments. If your partner's ex die, partner, spouse, boyfriend, whoever. How long do they have to mourn? Or do you care? Do you care at all? Check out a video, drop your comments. Let's go Serial.
I'ma say as long as she needs to because I feel like you don't understand the dynamic of the relationship that someone had with another person and to even make it about you is just selfish. Now if they're not grieving how you think they would or expect them to then I probably would question that, especially if you
especially if you knew a little bit about you know their relationship you know but I think to put a time limit on it is a little bit outlandish and selfish
If she over there looking like Viola Davis from Fences in that one scene, yeah, it's a wrap. But, to answer your question, I'm going to give you about 24 hours. Let it go. Because what we got ain't got nothing on that. So, yeah, you got about 24 hours. A week? Hell no. 24 hours.
I think that if a partner's ex had passed away I understand that it'd be something difficult for my partner to hear and you know to feel and to go through because they once were connected in the past to this person or they had some type of you know feeling you know vibe with them so it would still hit
And because it was the past, I wouldn't have anything to say about it. I would, I would definitely be respectful about it. I would say I can help be there for you during this time and can we talk about it and you know I'd like to hear how they feel, you know, hopefully they get through this.
I would know that this would have no effect on me and I would understand that there would be like some time where they would need mourning and healing so I would give them as much time as they needed. I think that when someone passes it would be like any other passing. It is still pretty painful I would say.
I think that whatever it be, may it be your sister, your father, you know your brother, it is always good to be there for the person, to be able to open communicate, allow them and you to express your emotions and how you feel to each other. It would be very helpful during this difficult time.
When it comes to passing it's always the hardest because you know, that's like the last thing in this world It's the passing of someone, right? So it's always something hard to deal with like I lost my dad, but because that's my dad It hurt a lot and I still haven't healed from it being almost a year now. So It's just the word overall, right
I would definitely suggest to stay grounded. Know that you are the wifey, you are the love, you're the everything to the person now. And love each other, be happy, enjoy your time here because life is so short, right?
Well, this in fact happened to one of my daughters. Mm-hmm. Long story. But anyway, yeah, it wasn't, it wasn't a good story. So, I feel bad for anybody that happens to.
Personally, I don't know if any of my exes are alive or dead right now. I got one ex that I had a child with, he's in the military, or was. I used to lose sleep over that in the past, but right now, I'm just like, hmm. But in reference to what they're talking about, somebody cares about somebody, ex or not, you know, you gotta let them grieve.
So, my ex was actually my best friend's brother, and when I started college and all that, I kind of lost track of my friend, and we connected through like Facebook a while after I was married and everything, and she told me her brother died in a motorcycle accident, and I mourned for a week, but not because of him so much, but because of her and the whole family, yeah.
It broke my heart because I knew how close him and my friend were and they have a younger sibling too. You know I know how yeah I just knew how close they were so I was really saddened by the fact that they lost him and he was a very nice person and whatnot. We just didn't mesh well together but but yeah it probably took me about a week.
um see i'm laughing already i'm laughing already y'all y'all more y'all eggs for real though i gotta eggs i'd rather climb on the top of golden arches mcdonald's and jump off then mourn his ass i'm not gonna lie hmm have it a good night