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This is a unpopular opinion, but I don't really care what people like if you're an adult do your thing if you want to Get your gender reassigned Whatever do your thing? But if you're a minor and do you want to be taking these pills? You want to go through a surgery to completely change yourself when we're growing up We're all confused as fuck and we got to let the hormones we got to let shit ride out We can't react and I agree with this
I agree with you 100%. Maybe it's not a popular opinion nowadays. It is what it is. In my household, I will help educate my child for the decisions that they make, but the transition and going forward with the step-by-step to make a permanent decision, I will not condone in my household. I will encourage them to wait until they are an adult.
Yo, hey, we need more people like you that's all and Having different varying viewpoints is something like I grew up with mr. Rogers and There were a lot of fucking wholesome moments dude, so but inspect shout out to you, too
You know, we actually do know the effects of the hormone blocker pills. They're not hormone blockers, they're literally chemical castration. It starts actually stopping the maturation, the maturity of the sexual reproductive organs. They're not gender-affirming care clinics. They are spay and neuter clinics for children to make them lifelong big pharma customers. And I am an old ****.
It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood Hey, yo, listen, yo, spectacular, you know, this man to get canceled right in this ever They to cancel the shit out this shit That this boy or dr. Phil like bro, what you talk about? What did you talk about right there, bro? You could we could change things. I could be born a boy and they end up being the mommy You know, I mean like they would drag this *****, but y'all shout out to you for the content is brought back memories
I know this is gonna scratch some backs a little bit, but it is what it is shout out to that ever. I Loved the time I was born Stay spectacular. Thank you for commenting on my post. Have a great day
Wow, que lo que! Shout out to you, Queen and Grand Afternoon, man. Wow, this is a throwback, Mr. Rodgers. It's a beautiful day in the name of love. A beautiful day in the name of love. Would you be mine? Would you be mine? Yeah! Ra! Da! Da! Coño! Happy Fri-yay!
Los Cruz! The most amazing thing is that in your comment, when you said, uh, when you're singing in the neighborhood, it actually translated it into the name of love. A beautiful day in the name of love. A beautiful day in the name of love. Would you be mine? Could you be mine? Right? It actually translated it that way. I just thought that that was ironically cool as fuck. Love and light. Stay blessed, my friend.
Deadass, I am so glad Mr. Rogers is dead so he didn't have to live in this current environment and see the bullshit that we've created out of this world.
Man, Mr. Rogers was not for this time for sure. Rest his soul. He was in the military and you know wanting to help educate children was pretty dope um but yeah it's a different time now. Shout out to you. Thank you for swinging by and leaving a comment.
But yeah, honestly, following up what Ohe said, I'm going to try to keep this brief. People should choose and do what they want to do but not force it upon other people. I think a child is a child and there are a lot of things that I myself did as a child that I think if I could go back I'd probably fucking change it because as an adult there are repercussions. I'm not gonna get into it but there are consequences to actions but we have to be conscientious of these things.
And what's going on in Florida, it's just When you start thinking reflecting about about it, it's it's nuts, you know, because uh You're from your frontal lobes not developed to your 25 we We actually remain pretty not necessarily childlike, but there are things that you know, we don't mature into into a way later and Yeah
I guess what I'm trying to say is that we could avoid a whole lot of problems including even we could save lives But there's always gonna be a critique over like you should let them choose what they want to be and it's just like Your frontal lobe is not developed to your 25 like you know you know I mean like with all today's influences like maturity is something that's very questionable so Thanks for the post I appreciate it
My thing is that if it was in 2023, say for instance, this made it onto the air, right, in 2023. The only way for that to have been possible is if Mr. Rogers was in full drag saying this and singing this. That's wild. But even when this aired, you know, even when this aired, it was the truth. Just like how it's the truth.
I think there's a war on transgender people and as much as you know for me, it's not Like personally where I took, you know where I resonate I do know, you know some people in the community and you know They're just humans and they're just living their truth and I have nothing against that. So Yeah, I just like everyone to just be themselves, you know, I don't like agendas being forced onto children. That's fact, but Everyone can just be themselves and live happily