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Nugget Diggler the Mighty
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James McPhee 589d
James McPhee
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James McPhee
James McPhee
Coast D Apache
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you ever notice that you only ever seem to be able to not sleep when you've actually got time to sleep because when i've got to get up for work i have no problem going back to sleep but then on a sunday when i don't have to fucking get up and i don't have to be at work sleep eludes me for sake so i tend to just watch films until i can fall asleep
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Yes, oh my god, I am that desperate to try and sleep that I have taken to watching Downton Abbey in the hope that it will bore me to sleep. But to be fair, I'm on season three now. The fucking joke.
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Oh, no. Has it got so bad that you have to watch Downton Abbey? I wouldn't even know where to start with that, do you know what I mean? Like... I've never ever watched an episode of Downton Abbey. It just does not appeal to me at all. In fact, I think I'd rather stay awake all night than watch Downton fucking Abbey.
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Normally, and I hate admitting this, normally I would re-watch The Office, but I've done that hundreds of times. Like, I honestly think that Netflix will start worrying about my well-being if I watch it one more time. So I was like, I can't keep falling asleep to watching The Office. That's not normal. So I thought I need to find something really boring. So I put it on thinking I would be severely bored and no, it's quite interesting. Well, it's not interesting, but you know.
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Yo, honestly, when I can't sleep, I probably just play the audio bible and just relax and listen to it and pretty much that's it or nothing, that's probably it. I rarely suffer with the issue of can't sleep though, I usually, by the time my day is over, I'm burnt the hell out.
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