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Oh my gosh stereo I am super excited I am coming back I've had this night planned for about a month now the treehouse is coming back this Friday at 10 PM central standard time on July 28 please be there it's going to be a heck of a lot of fun I'm probably gonna have may be a contest or giveaway and it's going to be a night of Kind of like a dinner theater so prepared to be entertained and also prepared to be involved because I don't just make up the treehouse you all do as well so make sure you share with your friends let everybody know that the tree has its back
Alright, alright! The Treehouse Show is coming back! I'll have to check my schedule, see if I can drop by. Let's see, on this day I'm banging Cheryl. And then this day I'm banging my secretary, Tina. Oh, and then I'm banging my neighbor on this one day. Hmm, oh, my banging schedule's...
Now, I don't know if that qualifies as a treehouse. That's like a little tree mansion, maybe? I don't know. That's, I mean, I would gladly live in that as a househouse. So I don't know if that qualifies as a treehouse. But anyway, Friday's my birthday. I will try to swing on by. I should be done. I'm having dinner with my brother, but I think I'll be done by then. So I will swing on by after that.
That sounds awesome. I work on Friday nights, but I'll try to come through, but I may be interacting with my crowd as a tour guide, but hey, thank you for this.