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Hey, everybody. Hey, hey there. This is Sister Crystal here, and I am back with another topic. Why is being the bigger person so exhausting? Like, you know, they say, oh, be the bigger person, but it's like, uh, it's like, why do you all, why do I always have to be the bigger person? Are you always being the bigger person in a disagreement or what have you? And if so, do you find it to be exhausting? And those who aren't the bigger person, why do you choose not to be the bigger person? Feel free to discuss. Thank you.
I think it's exhausting because I think people want to be treated like they would treat other people. Yeah, it's exhausting, but I find it rewarding for me and not the other person.
Hey there, T.T. Linus. I'm going to try this again because I wanted to reply directly to you. Thank you so much for the reminder that the reward goes to me being a bigger person or the person that's being the bigger one. So thank you so much for the reminder. I appreciate it.
Meaning the bigger person requires you to hold the mirror up and say what would I do if I was in that position also funny challenging because I am not able to communicate everything that is on my mental at the moment but I know that somethings are just better left unsaid
So true, so true. Some things are better left unsaid, but sometimes you hold your tongue so much and you know, things aren't stopping. It's like, ah, that's when it gets exhausting being a bigger person. Oh my goodness. Yeah.
Because I can't tell you how many times that I've been in the situation where the bigger person has to walk away because if you try to and if you engage in dog crap then the bigger the situation is going to be it's always best dog the least that you say is better because then that person is going to try to use everything against you just walk away
Hey there Frenchie, hey, hey there. You are right. It is difficult to be rational thinking when you're in a heightened state of anger at the moment and it's probably better to walk away at that point. So thank you.