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It's totally normal to feel lost when things have been not going your way or, you know, you're making a hard decision between two or more things. But what do you do when you feel lost in life? Because for me, it usually stems from feeling unmotivated or, you know, feeling like I've outgrown something. So I'll try to find a new challenge or hobby or something that I once really loved and I want to circle back to, to basically find myself. I feel like it's, we're all works in progress when it comes to finding ourselves. Like it's never just like one stop. And yeah, I just feel like it's great to take yourself out on solo dates as well to kind of just to get to know yourself better. But that's where I'm coming from. But I want to hear your perspective.
Hey girl, talk. I'll piggyback off what you said. I'm very similar when I'm feeling off my game or uncentered. I call my protocol, go back to the root. So go back to the root of my mental health. So let me just at least minimally hit 10 minutes of meditation every day, 10 minutes before I pick up my phone. Go back to the root. Let's exercise at least three times.
Thank you so much for taking the time and energy to not only answer once, but like continuously supporting my page. It means a lot to me and I really hope that someone else listening to what you had to say goes to show that kindness is still out there and humanity is, you know, I still have faith in it. But thank you again for everything and I hope you have a great rest of your week.
I've literally listened to everything that Ohai said and she has a lot of things that she has and it's helping me right now. So y'all are so nice. I'm gonna keep supporting Girl Talk page and everything and Ohai page. I want to see what content she has.