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Hello, thank you so much. So essentially I've been working out for the last three months And I am still within the range of weight that I don't want to be in I have dropped a few pounds, but I feel like I can do more and I was hoping for y'all's advice on proper weight loss Etiquette or not etiquette, but you know steps I could take I have a gym already. I go there regularly And I was just hoping you know some additional Tips on just weight loss what works for you guys What I was gonna do was go into the gym and try like two sets of 20 reps on lightweight stuff and then there's also the Eating portion. I would like more veggie by death. Sorry veggie based things Meat can be in there, but you know more veggies just fiber or whatever So I was hoping any you know tips or ideas on that as well, thank you guys so much have a blessed day
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