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Hello, thanks for looking at this. So I want to write a fanfiction. I'd like to write the whole thing versus writing in increments. I think that would work best to me personally. Anyway, the type of fanfiction I'm trying to go for is an earthbound fanfiction, preferably with like Picky Minch and Porky and just all that. So I was just hoping for some tips about fanfiction in general. Thanks.
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My biggest thing bro I don't know like what you're trying to write about like the earthbound thing I don't know bro like the biggest temperature can possibly take is you can expand on the storyline but don't repeat if I don't copy it like bar for bar like I add a twist or something like that bro I don't don't make a carbon copy or something like that that's the biggest advice I think I could give
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Thank you very much. Thank you. I see it's very important to definitely have an artistic twist to a story because that's what makes it our own. I understand. Thank you so much for the advice.
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