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Recently I was asked this question and I want to ask you guys the exact same one which is, how has the pandemic changed you? Because for me before this really sensitive time, I was go, go, go. I was a big workaholic. I, you know, this sounds really bad, but I would prioritize work tasks over, you know, events with family or friends. And, you know, when quarantine happened, especially the first like couple days of it, it hit me that, oh my gosh, what truly matters is not work. It's about certain parts of my life that I was not paying attention to and I reprioritized what really is important in life. And I'm very thankful for that lesson. And even though during the pandemic a lot of us all really ugly and bad sides to things, and even though I may not talk about it, trust me, it happened to everyone. It also gave me a really humbling experience on what again really matters. So circling back around here and again let me know and if it's too private feel free to DM me. Let's just make this a safe space and be respectful to one another. So yeah, again, let me know.
How has the pandemic changed me and taught me to, you know, be around my family more? It taught me so many things, but most importantly, take some time to relax and just rejuvenate and have fun and enjoy life. Life is precious and just enjoy every minute of it. So that's what I learned from the pandemic.
Honestly, I feel like this pandemic really fucked me up. Like, I became more repaid, and like, I couldn't go out and I became more awkward in antisocial. I volume that up
I became more spiritual. I'm not a defined after most people and I'll just take things, face value, no more. I read and do my own research on things and if you want to know more than I'll tell you but that's basically what I can put loudly.
Honestly honestly honestly honestly the pandemic didn't do shit for me like I was just literally just chillin that that shit was a hoax so I was just watching this shit like on blow over watching everybody fucking loose your minds which I thought was kind of crazy and you know I got some money because hey unemployment it was real cool because nobody was outside I was going out and nobody was out there It was raw. It was raw, bro.