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So I know I've talked a bit about travel on this page but I actually wanted to ask you guys what your dream vacation is because honestly I'm looking to get inspiration. Right now I'm looking into Japan specifically Tokyo but everyone has told me that Japan is absolutely amazing and it's definitely somewhere you should visit before you know you settle down at least and so I'm taking that advice to heart and I'm looking into it but I definitely want to hear about other destinations So let me know what your dream vacation is and what you're hoping to do. So, yeah, let me know.
My dream vacation is to visit Jamaica and the Bahamas and also New York City. And I love those places, but I've never been to them, so I always wanted to travel there. So that's why I want to go to NYC because NYC, New York, is beautiful on TV, But I've never been in real life so I always...
Plus my favorite singer from New York City. So my favorite artist, Aliyah, she's from New York City. And also I want to go to the Bahamas in Jamaica because of the beaches, the island. I love islands. And one day hopefully I visit and you know go there for sure. So yeah, that is my dream vacation. Thank you for sharing and God bless you.
I would absolutely love to visit Japan though. It's so beautiful, versatile. Like you can be straight up in the city or you can go to the country. Like that sounds like it'd be a dope trip. Girl talk. Enjoy. because experience that.
I would like to go to California but even more than that I would rather go to Peru, Machu Picchu, I don't know if I said that right. But even more than that I would like to go to Tokyo, Japan. Now what do you mean settle down before I go? It doesn't matter. I think it would be better to be with someone you care about, experience it together, looking at the bright lights. Hey, that's just me.
I'm going on my dream vacation this summer and it's in Liberia because most of my family's from there and I'm not from there though so it's like kind of like the homeland or something. My plan is to do there, you know, have some fun, try new foods and do explore, do tourist床 Lucugglingavo that's what I call widown coms No, I don't think that presented on many of the
To be honest ever since I was like six or seven years old I've always want to go to the Mediterranean mainly because of the climate In the fact that just the overall weather is just always perfect year-round so maybe somewhere like Greece somewhere somewhere along the coastline maybe like somewhere along the Aegean Sea let me go on a no
See a person who who's lived in Japan for three years I say just go to Japan Japan should be every every vacation OK you can never get bored in Japan it's always something new is on everything is new and anything happens you're taken care of automatically doesn't matter Japan is the way is the way to go forget every other place other than Paris Paris is cool to
Okay, well as someone who's traveled to almost 50 countries, I would say that my personal favourite holiday destination, and I say holiday not vacation because I'm from UK, so my favourite holiday destination is Cuba. And I say that because not only is the island beautiful, I think there's a wonderful mix of culture, food, things to do.