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She's kind of pathetic and she can't post herself and she thinks she's out fucking ugly like but she's the calm the fuck down honestly but you're really pretty Not her though, because she's like fake and shit.
Girl stop fucking catfishing, like you are mad, we are especially like yourself, it's okay, we are damn sorry, we have to post somebody else and then have to make your fucking avatar look like that person. But come on, I'm gonna fuck up, but be fucking real.
Okay, I'm camping! And this is the 20th time I've posted about random girls. I've posted about three different girls that I saw so far, and this is one of them. Okay, so you start. She's pretty, but you like you, and you like you, so you start posting about her and say it to you. I was under evidence about delivery on Soho page 3.
Stop posting other people bro. You are not this girl. Just stop. Just please stop. Because every time I see one of your posts on the 4u bro, I want to throw my phone across my fucking room.