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Knigge it was obviously a joke but since you want to I don't even fucking know yo ass to get personally but I don't fucking know who took the time to make a joke on funny yo ass a Karen or something
Bro, imagine like catfishing, why does that just be fucking crazy? Like you just really gotta catfish with other people cause you just really insecure about your own face and cat post yourself. We all know this ain't you, we all know this is a different person. A person is probably prettier than you, so just pose yourself at this point.
girl don't pay this bitch any attention because she clearly is catfishing as you and you're pretty as fuck and it's sad like it's sad that other girls this girl now that there isn't this girl is catfishing as you like huh? it's weird like for real if you want me to report it I will I'll get everybody to report it because she's not okay It's weird, it's nasty, and it's disgusting. Like, no.
You post like different girls every day like I swear And also people tend to like post on this one girl, not this one, like this other girl right? And then like this is the 17th time I've seen someone post about like these two girls Like I swear to God you guys need to stop She's pretty annoying, both of them are pretty, but like y'all need to stop if it's not you It's the latest screenshot from the gtbp.
Imagine catfishing someone else because you're so insecure about yourself and you don't know how to act about other people that are so beautiful and now you catfishing people I've been like to resume but you're really not and you're really insecure about yourself and it's saying a lot I can probably edit this but probably sitting on the couch eating some cheese Motherfuck you, from me that is fo-
Girl imagine cat vision like honestly it's gonna, it's gonna, it's gonna, it's gonna, it's gonna, it's gonna, it's gonna, it's gonna crazy. Like this ain't you, this ain't not you. Ah-choo! Oh my god! Anyways, hey now you girl, just watch yourself.
Where are you still everything you saw her name you still are face you're crazy this some psycho this on I Investigation discovery like this would be a documentary this scary stuff This terrifying your thief Frot.