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Growing up one of the biggest questions I would get asked was if I had any siblings and I still get asked this question in my adult life And so I figured I would ask you guys here Do you happen to have any siblings? And if you do I would love to hear the dynamic that your family has I have one sister. That's three and a half years younger we are close and Everything is just wonderful. So that's good And you know there are times where I wished I had more siblings in my life, but I'm very glad to have her But I have friends who are from a big family or they're on only child themselves and everyone has very different experiences experiences, hence why I'm asking this question tonight. So yeah, let me know.
All right I got to see him and I am on the oldest I'm 20 10 I got a brother that 18 and a sister that's 15 so I was like three years apart Oh no I want to say were close because we do 10 argue but still I love him to death I wouldn't want anything to happen to him yeah
So I have a younger brother and apart from that I have cousins. Yeah I think I'm in good terms with my younger brother but the cousins a whole different story not enemies but definitely I mean that you know family politics and everything going on so I don't know what to say. But overall that's our relationships work and I have no...
Yeah I do have a sibling I got one brother he's 18 he's from United Kingdom same as me but a different part of UK is from Bristol so he's he's at uni at the moment in Birmingham so Fairplay to him catch lations to him as well my brother but yeah love it to pieces he's awesome and yeah hope you have a see him soon as he's a busy person someone yeah only got one brother
I wish I was the only child but my dad has 11 kids so that's a lot of kids so I'm just gonna keep it as that I have too many sisters and too many brothers so
well truth be told I don't have a family I am my only family I'm known as the lone wolf you may call it so yeah I just got me myself and I got scots got Scots.