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Malori 486d
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Kaylaaa 486d
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Vote For Me 486d
Vote For Me
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Vote For Me
Eryk Fisher 486d
Eryk Fisher
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Akeyla Virgin 484d
Akeyla Virgin
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Ash Wise 474d
Ash Wise
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Alexa Machado 467d
Alexa Machado
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Jakob Johnston
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Keep your butt out of the store unless you're going in there to get some thing and don't just window shop online either
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My tip is to always look for ways to keep your money in a place it's going to continue to grow your income, whether that is investing or keeping it in a high interest savings account.
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My favorite money tip is making sure that in your brain you don't have a cap on how much you can earn because if you tell yourself and your brand you can only make 100 a year that's how much you're gonna make so you need to make sure that it's uncapped the amount you get
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I'm not sure of how strong this particular tip is, but I would say if you get hungry get the munchies Try not to punish yourself number one and number two Try to go for dollar menu items instead of like full course meals So like a dollar menu cheeseburger or a dollar menu small fryer or I guess value menu in this case Not really dollar menu. So, you know just those ways could help
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Um, also, and I don't know, I forgot the exact, like, you know, wordings, but one gentleman told me that it's important to save, but not overdo it, because as you know, too much of something is a bad thing, definitely give yourself a little leverage to still enjoy yourself. Um, maybe like, you know, if you still, if you need that five, you know, that coffee or that hot chocolate you get from Starbucks daily, maybe don't stop that.
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Um, I and I personally agree. I think it's great to Save but also save within reason That might not be the best choice of words, but you know Save and still kind of have something to look forward to so it's not like this Unmotivating task that you might break easier because you don't give yourself something to really enjoy that makes sense Another thing I would consider hold on I have to go make another video
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There are some money-saving apps out there, accountability apps. I forgot the one I'm trying to log into and use. Unfortunately, I'm very sorry, but there are a lot of apps out there and there's also YouTube videos to help you. And this next tip might be so crazy and I am so sorry in advance. I may have to make a second part. Hold on. I don't know. Hold on.
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Now, some people have various opinions about the following, and listen, I am not forcing you. Um, I don't know, I don't know, but maybe consider looking up your Myers-Briggs or Enneagram and see, like, ways you can achieve success while being mindful of your style of thinking. Now I'm not trying to put you in a box, but it's to kind of help you guide yourself to success while being more mindful of how you operate.
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Because what one person does may not work for you what a group of people around you do may not work for you because You know, that's just not their style of thinking according to this Method of you know, so that's a thing. I'm sorry if that is just very outrageous I I just listen it it's it's helped me a little bit. You know, it's it's it's it's something, you know, it's something so There you go
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Last bonus one what I do now is um when paycheck comes in I try to take like a good chunk of that paycheck put into my savings account and Give myself like what a hundred to one hundred fifty dollars worth of like spending For the week. I'm paid weekly So you may have to adjust it if it's bi-weekly and this is just to help me like pay things I may want or eat for gas that might go for the credit card, but
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Ideally I try to use the credit card for things like gas and stuff but like maybe snacks and other odd ends I try to use my debit so that I just save save save save. Now I mean yes it's important to use your credit card I do still use it but when it's reached a certain level I try to go for my debit card because I'm trying not to overdo it. You know 30% something like that for my credit card.
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