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I have a really embarrassing story about this, but have you ever forgotten your wallet while paying or returning something? Because in my situation, there's this really famous store. Okay, I'm not trying to like out the brand And every time I've returned an item. It's never been an issue with the receipt alone, right? So I changed my mind about something and all I was thinking about was the receipt and obviously the item and so I Get in my car I drive over to the mall and I show up at you know the cash register area and the cashier is like Okay, we'll give me your ID and you know the card that you use so that I can process the return faster And I'm like wait what and I'm like, oh, okay sure because if you need the money Like evidence for the refund. Okay, I understand that so I'm like going through my bag and I think it's because I was stressed out Right, so I'm like, okay. I don't see it. Let me look again. Look a second time. Look a third time and I realized in that moment, oh my gosh, I switched on my bag that morning and my wallet was in the other purse. So I tell her, okay, can I just call someone in my house to get a photocopy to show you because I noticed that there was a line forming behind me and it's getting really awkward. And she's like, no. And I'm like, okay. So she's like, you need to get those things and come back. And I'm like, All right, so I'm really red faced. Get in my car, drive home as fast as I can, come back, and then someone else ended up doing the return because she closed out the entire cast register area. So I'm like, okay, well, you told me to come back and then you end up closing the whole thing, but whatever. But the second lady who handled it was really nice and tried so hard not to make me feel embarrassed. So lesson learned, look for your wallet, double triple check because that again that was so so embarrassing but yeah if you have any stories like that please let me know that I'm not alone.
So to be honest, um, yeah, I have like my wallet sometimes But I always lose that motherfucker because I'm kind of always broke But I should not be saying that because I don't want to manifest I'm always broke But yeah, I'm being kind of real right now like I never I mean I tried my best to find jobs But they never want to fucking hire me, but yeah, like when I do have money I just you know spend it or like, you know, that's not very healthy Pretty sure I should start saving up because I'm about to be a fucking adult I mean, I'm a t-
But I hate it in the garage and in so she ordered off of Amazon that they don't know not that they boy like a couple days ago it was like awesome possum I said it wrong like animals Cossom play the no cause I was that's what I am ill I saw their front door so I grabbed it I had it in the garage because she made me mad a day and so she shouldn't ordinary but she got another one Canon
So I put it in the garage but but I only like took a little more than one thing I was like one thing I took her cosplay it was other stuff for her friends birthday that she knew Mrs. I was born because my sister she's already made it in so So then she got shit so she got another one but it was free and she had to daddy