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So I'm trying to do a lot more indoor workouts this summer obviously because of the heat So I want to ask you guys what workout apps or websites do you use? I personally love Pacer to count my steps and then I love using Swarke it s W-O-R-K-I-T and on there There's actually like little routines you could do ranging from like five minutes to I think up to 30 If I'm not mistaken I think you can extend it even more now because they have a premium thing absolutely love it and it helps you with your goals. But in terms of websites, I just mainly use YouTube. Like I just look up certain YouTubers, Mad Fit, M-A-D-F-I-T. She has really fun dance videos you can follow along with. But yeah, I would love to hear from you guys and the more the merrier. So, let me know.
Oh, that's so interesting because I've heard so many things about fitness AI. And if you can share your experience, that'd be really great because I have been thinking about getting into it. So yeah, let me know.
You're literally the only person that knows Swarckett because most of my friends and family online or offline have no idea what I'm talking about when I bring up that app. So I'm glad you got some use out of it and that you really love it because it's great, isn't it?
Personally I use the exporter fitness app because I take my ass to the fucking gym and I'm not fucking lazy the fuck No, it's my arm. I use I'm exporter because it like I don't know has like a lot of Things on it like you got a really programming you feel me? But yeah, um, it just really depends what you're looking for and yeah, like it depends There's a lot of like health stuff, you know, like calorie deficit abs There's you know, like working out apps and stuff by use
I actually don't use any apps or anything I just use books with some programs and you know I am to write it and also her program that I used I don't know you're almost so no I don't use any apps but I can use Lifesum now if I start using that again
I will lose we're gonna have a little workout apps I said Alphys but when I do I go to the parking lot 80 I walk far bro like I want for the park because I live on the main street in the park is always behind me with my friends at all go to the park my friends and I walk there every day
OK listen I don't like buy websites but let's be for real I'm not working out and I forgot what I can't have you been on his website they need to get delete it but TikTok is the best way to find your website Nikola